Types of ecommerce

Think how it was to shop 10 years back…and now with the evolution of the internet we have everything at our fingertip…Literally! Where did you go to buy clothes? How did you get your groceries? What did you do when it was time to buy a new mattress? Ecommerce businesses have transformed the way we…

What is eCommerce Shipping?

eCommerce Shipping is the entire process by which an order is confirmed, created, and fulfilled. This process has a multitude of minute and complex tasks that ensure the system functions in a streamlined manner. These tasks include everything from warehousing to last-mile delivery. Ecommerce shipping companies must first handle stocking the inventory, creation and manifestation…

Free Trade zone in UAE

A free-trade zone (FTZ) is a class of special  economic zone. It is a geographic area where goods may be imported, stored, handled, manufactured, or reconfigured and re-exported under specific customs regulation and generally not subject to customs duty. Free trade zones are generally organized around major seaports, international airports, and national frontiers—areas with many…


Robes and wraps have quite a fancy feeling attached to them, which is why they’re usually considered a luxury item and are super-expensive. But still, everyone loves wearing their robes after a nice bath, when they want to relax in their homes. It’s very interesting to know about the history of this luxury item that…

Pool Towel

Pool towels are towels used for drying after leaving the pool and sea. Besides, it helps to prevent damage to human skin by sea and pool water. These waters cause the skin to lose moisture when it remains on the body and cause irritation of the skin structure. For this reason, pool towels are specially…